Moving is stressful enough on humans, so it’s hard to imagine what our pets must be going through with all the mess and chaos. Are you aware that your pets are extremely sensitive to your emotions and to any disruption in their environment? This is why an upcoming move can be very difficult for them.
Your pets will handle the transition a whole lot better if you can go out of your way to make them feel safe and secure throughout the ordeal.
Here’s some tips to help you do just that:
Consult with Your Vet
It’s important to make this move as easy as you can on your pets, so it would be a good idea to speak to your vet about how best to accomplish this. There might be some medication or even some behavior modification techniques that could help. Your vet can provide you with specific recommendations to reduce the stress your pet could be feeling during the transition.
If you’re moving out of the area, make sure you get your pets’ medical records and any related information that will be needed by the new vet.
Pack Everything Up Slowly Over Time
With so much to do getting ready for the move, it’s easy to put off packing until the very last day or two. Your pets are not going to react well to this sudden burst of activity and will undoubtedly get nervous, so start packing several weeks ahead of moving day. This will not only keep your pets calm, but you’ll also pack your things more thoughtfully. The last thing you want is to pack things up in a rush and not be able to quickly find what you need when you’re at the new house.
Take Your Pets to a Pet Sitter on Moving Day
Moving day is usually chaotic under the best of circumstances, so it is best to remove your pets from the premises ahead of time. Ask a family member or friend if you can bring them over to their house for the day. Otherwise, you can board your pet at the vet or take your dog to doggy day care. This will allow you and your movers to focus on the job at hand without worrying about your pets running out the door. Your pets will also be more relaxed in a peaceful environment rather than having to deal with all the strangers, activity and noise.
Your Pets Will Need Time to Adjust
You might assume that your pets would immediately want to explore your new home once they arrive. If you think they would want to run around, let them. But, a lot of animals would find this all too stressful and prefer to hide. For them, it would be best to set aside one or two rooms as a “home base.” This way they can comfortably settle in.
Keep their food and water dishes, toys, beds, blankets and anything else that would help them feel safe and secure in these rooms. After some time has passed, start spreading their things out little by little to encourage them to explore their new home.
Do you want more recommendations on how to make your move less stressful? Contact Wagon Movers today to find out about our range services and how we can make your move a lot less stressful for you and your pets. Give us a call or complete our online form to request a free quote.